Ep 0: Welcome to UnSabotage with Ginny Townsend

Hey, Podcast Nation! My name is Ginny Townsend and welcome to my podcast! To start on a personal note, I am an absolute podcast junkie so the fact that your listening to this is a personal dream come true!

So, I wanted to create Episode 0 to welcome you into my world, talk about this podcast, share some of my stories, and then let you know how we can stay connected.

Every week, I’ll share unique and interesting stories, analogies (oh, goodness, I love a good analogy), and strategies to help you – the driven, heart-centered business women or entrepreneur step into a life you adore. Sounds great, right? So, how do I plan on doing this?

Something I’ve found in my own life (and this was the reason that I started the experiment called UnSabotage) was, I had a few specific goals in my professional life and was charging forward toward them when something crazy happened. I ran into what I now call a “Glass Wall.” I’ll explain more about what these are in the first episode but for now I’ll say they are roadblocks that I put up in my own way without even knowing about it. That’s right! I was getting in my own way! I had heard other people say “so and so is always getting in their own way” and I remember thinking why would someone do this? Let’s just say, it totally took me off guard because I consider myself to be a high-achiever. I loved having goals and crushing them! I loved school! I loved working! I only saw a bright future and then WHAM! Yep, a Glass Wall.

The 2 cruel things about Glass Walls are you can see right through them to where you want to be and you don’t always see them coming. But I remember deciding that this was NOT going to be the end of me and this was NOT going to be as far as I’d go!

So, I went to town! I did all kinds of research, interviewed all kinds of women who had achieved their dreams and done great things, I started digging into my own story and then the magic happened when I started applying the principles I used with my marketing and branding clients to my own life. SOOO many things became clear and I was able to start dismantling the Glass Walls in front of me.

So, in these episodes, I’ll be sharing my own personal stories and I’ll be sharing with you the different approaches I’ve used to shatter Glass Walls and start to see them coming.

Why am I sharing all of this? I spent a good 2+ years obsessively working through what had actually happened to trigger me getting in my own way and I became my own guinea pig in several experiments. I’ve had the chance to meet some amazing people in the process and I’ve read more books trying to unpack this topic than I’d previously know existed. And thankfully, my life looks totally different than it did about 3 years ago.

So, if there is a way for all that learning, all those experiments, all those experiences, my stories and even the different ways I’ve started looking at things can help other women, I’d consider UnSabotage to be my life’s greatest work so far! I guess you could say, I’m doing this for you. I hope these episodes encourage you and even challenge you to push through and not settle, to strongly believe that there is always more in store for you.

Like I mentioned in the intro, this is the podcast version of the weekly show originally filmed on Facebook LIVE so if you want to watch the video version hop on over to UnSabotage.com and Like UnSabotage on Facebook. And because I love podcasts so much, I’ll be sharing bonus episodes and interviews with AMAZING women here that you won’t be able to find anywhere else.

To celebrate the launch of UnSabotage with Ginny Townsend, I’ll be posting an episode a day for this first week, then we’ll move to a weekly podcast.

So, that is what to expect from UnSabotage with Ginny Townsend in a nutshell. I’m excited for you to come alongside me on this journey.