Ep 76: 7 Reasons Why I Think Airbnb is the Perfect Side Hustle in 2021 and Beyond

Are you looking for the perfect side hustle in 2021 and beyond? Great! I made this episode with you in mind.

I truly believe Airbnb is the best side hustle and today I’m going to share with you 7 reasons why I think this is the case.

Episodes I referenced:

Ep 69: How I Accidentally Made $7,000/hr With My First Airbnb… A Breakdown of an Hourly and Annual Rate for Short-Term Rental Owner‪s‬

Ep 74: 5 Reasons Why Airbnb is One of the Most Simple Passive Income Strategies Available for Entrepreneurs Today! (HINT: It’s a Marketer’s Dream‪)‬

High-End Apartments in Miami I referenced: NatiivoMiami.com

Take a listen and I hope you finish the episode feeling inspired and ready to take action.


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Have you decided that short-term rentals are the best fit for your next real estate investment move?

Do you know vacation rentals have the opportunity to bring in much higher margins than long-term rentals but don’t know where to start?

Would you rather learn from someone who figured it out and can give you the roadmap as opposed to stumbling through to figure things out on your own?

If so, then I’ve created the program for you!

It’s called The 6-Figure Vacation Rental Roadmap and I can’t wait for you to dive on in.

Visit ginnytownsend.com/rental to learn more and grab your copy today!

Thanks for joining me and until next time, continue to be up and to the right.

And if you’re curious about how much you could potentially earn with an Airbnb in your area, I can send you a free and pretty powerful tool to help you estimate…

Visit GinnyTownsend.com/estimate to claim access to this powerful free tool!

Thanks for joining me, and until next time, continue to be up and to the right.


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