Ep 23: How To Be a CHAMPION In Your Business In The New Year!
It’s 2018!! Can you believe it? I’m really excited about the New Year and all that it will hold for you. As Christmas came and went for our family, I started to think about what it means to “champion” our business and our goals as we move to the new calendar year…
And it all started when I came across this quote…
“Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months and years they spent preparing for it. The victorious performance itself is merely the demonstration of their championship character.”
~ T. Alan Armstrong
So, as we moved right into 2018, how do we approach this new season with a champion’s mindset?
According to this quote, being a champion is rather simple: they have a clear goal and they work their plan until they reach their goal.
It’s wildly simple, actually! But sometimes it’s hard to feel like we have a goal worthy enough to hold our attention, determination, desire and the necessary time…
Have you take the time to write out your dreams and goals for 2018?
In the spirit of I-would-never-ask-someone-to-do-something-I-haven’t-done-myself, here are a few of my larger goals for this year:
Collaborations: I know working with other amazing people who serve this same amazing audience (you!!) will ultimately serve everyone. So, I’m focusing on developing some incredible relationships with similar entrepreneurs to see how we can collectively make our worlds a better place.
My stretch goal: This is the first time I’ve mentioned this publicly, but I have been fleshing out this idea of developing software that would help people UnSabotage on the go. Say you’re preparing for a big meeting and you’re not sure why you’re feeling so uneasy, this software would be a tool to help you have breakthrough (or even just some clarity) quickly. I’m super pumped. But it’s also something much larger than myself. I’ll keep you posted on the status!
Continue my own personal and professional development: Living in Silicon Valley has been an incredible experience so far and it has only spurred my interest in learning more about the financial side of scaling a business. So, this is also on my list.
So, back to you 😉 do you have your big goals figured out? Are they still roaming around in your mind or have you put pen to paper on them yet?
Second, question: Do you have a plan for getting from here to there? If your goals are clearly spelled out (and you know what it will look like and feel like to accomplish them), do you have a step by step roadmap to making sure you get there?
If not (to either question), I have a special gift for you. Just keep reading or watch this week’s episode to learn more!
But before we get to that, why would be even WANT to be a champion in our own business? To answer that, let’s look at what the word champion actually means. According to Google, a champion is: “A person who has defeated or surpassed all rivals.”
Pretty straightforward, right? Or in other words, a champion is someone who faces their obstacles head on and prevails.
But let’s go back to Google’s definition of the word. How does that word “rival” strike you? Does it get your competition spirit going or does it make you feel kinda yucky like someone has to lose for you to win?
Well, regardless of how it strikes you, let’s reframe what a rival could mean as we’re pursuing a champion’s mindset (and outcome!).
Perhaps the rival that you’re currently facing is a competitor or alternative in the market. BUT… what if the next rival you need to “defeat” or “surpass” is a buggy WordPress plugin? Or reaching your first 4-figure month, or executing on your first webinar.
How would it change our attitude toward these “rivals” if we saw them for what they are: The next thing standing between us and where we want to be.
All we need to do and to be clear on is our set of rivals and have a plan to “surpass” them.
That great quote again…
“Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months and years they spent preparing for it. The victorious performance itself is merely the demonstration of their championship character.”
~T. Alan Armstrong
Looking back at my brief list of potential rivals (the plugin, a revenue goal, a webinar launch, etc), none of them are insurmountable. All of them are conquerable if…
It’s actually stated as a goal AND
You have a roadmap that keeps you moving forward
Simple as that.
That is championship.
Working and not quitting.
So, I’ll ask you again, do you have a clear and meaningful goal(s) for 2018? And do you have a roadmap to get you there?
If you’re interested in talking with me about how you can make this a reality (and FINALLY have people ask you “What are you doing differently? You’re crushing it this year!”), let’s talk.
Hop on over HERE where, once you’ve taken a couple moments to share where you’re at, we can schedule a very productive call.
Remember, it’s your year to be a champion!